Wednesday, September 8, 2010

An eye for an eye makes half the world blind...

'Retribution' is one of the strongest word in English dictionary not quite as strong as 'Forgiveness' , but still strong enough b'coz it is involved in a major chunk of criminal motives. We have always heard people commit horrendous crimes to get even with each other and that brings us to the original question, why is retribution so important to us ? In other words, why is getting even with each other so important that we end up losing our minds and in many cases end up losing our lives for it.

When someone does something wrong towards us, that person knows it and is in a way burning in the guilt of it, the retribution that we seek is only gives a chance to justify that person's action in the first place and gives them even more reason to hate you. This is a vicious cycle that will never end. Whats funny though, is that none of the parties involved dare to forgive and end the matter. Its a simple solution and it seeks your revenge too. The next time someone does wrong towards you, acknowledge the fact that the wrong was done and then forgive them. Trust me, the guilt of wrong doing burns in them and brings about a change of heart and change in attitude. Its not an immediate effect, but we all know that instant solutions have never solved the problems.

In an Interview to the Press in Karachi about the execution of Bhagat Singh (23 March 1931); Gandhi begins by making a statement on his failure "to bring about the commutation of the death sentence of Bhagat Singh and his friends." He is asked two questions. First: "Do you not think it impolitic to forgive a government which has been guilty of a thousand murders?" Gandhi replies: "I do not know a single instance where forgiveness has been found so wanting as to be impolitic." In a follow-up question, Gandhi is asked: "But no country has ever shown such forgiveness as India is showing to Britain?" Gandhi replies: "That does not affect my reply. What is true of individuals is true of nations. One cannot forgive too much. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

In today's world being a Gandhi and thinking like him is impractical, but if at one point in time we as a nation could forgive so many wrong doings of a foreign power then surely we can extend some bonhomie towards our own country men. Lets try walking past few bitter instances of life and dwelling on them, for life is all about living it up. If its impossible to forgive certain things in life, then we can surely let go of the person involved rather than seek mindless retribution. For once spake a great man, "An eye for an eye makes half the world blind"...

So long...

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